Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Determined, coffee and cream and stilts.

1. This night has been a failure in so many ways -- we're all awake at 5.30am and I am not happy about it. However, I do love Alec's determination not to sleep until he gets his turn at bubby-lie-down.

2. A good cup of coffee with a dollop of cream makes everything seem better.

3. While I am in the bathroom Alec comes upstairs with one of his Christmas presents. "What this?"
It's a pair of flowerpot stilts. I explain and he asks me to help him on -- the bathroom floor is too smooth really and he can't get the hang of it. I tell him to try on the rug downstairs.
When I come down he is pottering about looking very proud of himself.

Local knowledge, bakery and eyes on.

1. The taxi driver zigs up back ways and zags down side streets and jinks into traffic queues to get us across town in time for our appointm...